
Smart Teamwork

The right information at the right time – The personal touch

Integrate user information into your document management system to get specific information to the right employee.

The right information at the right time – A touch of context

With personalization, we provide the right information to the right person, but not yet at the […]

Euronav moved to the cloud with the help of Spikes

“Spikes has been of great added value to us,” says Steven De Mot, Office IT Manager […]

Workflow Automation: comparing different offerings

Let’s take a look at how the different offerings stack up against each other and illustrate […]

3 critical considerations for building a remote workforce

Empower your workforce with Office 365

Sibelco PO approval

Purchase order approval; fast and handy approving through intranet and mobile app? Read here how Sibelco […]

Kim’s Chocolates

For a more efficient production process, automates Kim’s Chocolate also her administration with a SharePoint Portal. […]