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Video: BekaertDeslee saves with smart IoT

OQuila developed a platform together with and for BekaertDeslee which connects their IT and OT.

Video: OQuila helps Alertis innovate thanks to IoT

Alertis – the former “Ardovlam” – specializes in technological security. For example, they supply fire…

Euronav moved to the cloud with the help of Spikes

“Spikes has been of great added value to us,” says Steven De Mot, Office IT Manager […]

Bridon-Bekaert The Ropes Group

Bridon-Bekaert choses for Microsoft technology and SharePoint as basis for the out roll of a new […]

Sibelco PO approval

Purchase order approval; fast and handy approving through intranet and mobile app? Read here how Sibelco […]

Kim’s Chocolates

For a more efficient production process, automates Kim’s Chocolate also her administration with a SharePoint Portal. […]

A. Schulman Plastics

3.000 users, spread over tens of locations, migrate to Outlook and Skype for Business in Office […]


StepStone trusts on Security expertise from Spikes for an expand ‘Proof of Concept’ from de Microsoft […]

AZ Klina

In AZ Klina more than 1.700 specialised doctors, staff members and volunteers go out of their way…

Lotus Bakeries

In consultation with Spikes chose Lotus Bakeries resolutely for Microsoft- technology to build a ‘next-generation’ SharePoint […]