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GDPR Quickstart for the CIO

Stop worrying about the details, start implementing!

You may have received many offers from suppliers to explain to you what GDPR is. We know we don’t have to. You already know. This offer is different: this is an offer for you, the CIO or IT Manager, to start doing things now to become GDPR compliant. Sure, you have already taken initiatives to protect your applications and application data. You know exactly which databases contain sensitive data about your data subjects. But what about your unstructured data? What happens when an employee exports customer data to Excel and accidentally e-mails or shares this file to the wrong internal or external party? GDPR data breach!

You can easily deny access to sensitive data to unauthorized users within your databases and applications. But managing the constraints to share sensitive personal information with unauthorized people is a different story.

The “GDPR Quickstart for the CIO” is an offer to start using the abilities of your current Microsoft or Office 365 licenses to secure your unstructured data and achieve a first level of GDPR Compliance.


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