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Video: A simplified and automated policy cycle for AZ Klina

The challenge

To make the policy cycle more transparent and particularly to automate, choose AZ Klina for the know-how of Spikes, supported by the right Microsoft tools. 

In AZ Klina more than 1.700 specialised doctors, staff members and volunteers go out of their way to take daily care for other people. Where the patient is the central point. Full for care also means full for growth, quality and innovation. An important part of their process is the policy cycle. To create more transparency and automation, got AZ Kline with Spikes on board, because of their know-how and the support of the right Microsoft tools.  

Every organization from a certain size, has the same struggle with yearly policy cycles: gathering input for improvement, investments, recruiting, etc.; to create a clear overview of all the requests to prepare for decision-making; later the deliberation of the agreement; the feedback from the requesting parties, status reports during the execution, etc.  

To centralize all this information in a structured way and with the suitable (Microsoft) tools, arises a transparent and automated process, that pleases everyone.  

Watch here the following video AZ Klina got the job done, to the high satisfaction of the organization. 

AZ Klina 250


AZ Kline is the acute reference and revalidation for patients, in North-Antwerp. 


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