
Smart Teamwork

Boeksamenvatting 4: Getting Teams Done, Diederick Janse & Marco Borgers

Getting Teams Done, Een praktische methode voor teamproductiviteit. Wie zou dit boek moeten lezen? Waarom zou […]

Spikes en Lotus Bakeries kiezen Microsoft-technologie om SharePoint intranet te bouwen.

In overleg met Spikes koos Lotus Bakeries resoluut voor Microsoft-technologie om een 'next-generation' SharePoint intranet te […]

Een nieuw jaar, een nieuwe liefde

Nieuwjaarsbrief 2016 Liefste klant, Liefste collega, Mag ik even mijn vreugde met je delen: bij…

Big Disaster for Enterprise Social Collaboration

 We will have to unlearn what we have learned over the past 33 (!) years….

Social Communication without Social Collaboration

Talk is cheap, right? (Even when it is written down in social conversations.) Wrong! Hierarchical…

Social is not optional but core

Notes to myself in search of a Social Enterprise Strategy. (Reflections on Marc Stone’s presentation…

Case: end-to-end business process integrated with B2B portal

It takes Vision and courage to come to a result like this one. Vision to put […]

BPM is ‘Old School’: Adaptive Case Management is here to stay

If you have been modeling processes for a while, you have probably experienced the situations where […]

What most people forget about Task Assignment

Task Assignment (aka Role Resolvement) is the mechanism that decides ‘at run-time’ to which user a […]

Business Process Modeling: the Overview

  Introduction Automating workflows is becoming more and more popular (and I’m, of course, glad…